Drink Me Chai Turmeric Latte Review (#veganuary)

In case you haven’t heard about the health benefits of turmeric yet, allow me to introduce you to this super herb; it's been shown act as an antioxidant, reportedly protecting against Alzheimer's disease and being anti microbial too. It's a staple of many healing diets and is what gives curry powder it's orangey hue. It can be used in supplement form as Curcumin, or a somewhat more tasty and interesting Turmeric Latte. There’s many recipes for how to make these online, but no need to bother with all that now; Drink me Chai have come to the rescue with their new Turnmeric Latte Mix!

Suitable for vegans and gluten free, this mix can be made with any type of milk but it is recommended to use a dairy free milk to get all the anti inflammatory benefits of the turmeric.

The mix consists of Turmeric (50%), Coconut Powder (45%), Cinnamon and ground black pepper.

I made it with a can of coconut milk I'd bought from Waitrose, but unfortunately it wasn’t one of the nicer coconut milks and so didn’t taste that great. Next time I plan to try it with Rude Health Coconut Milk, I'm sure it’ll be a lot nicer! I definitely got a boost from it though; and I’m pretty sure I could feel it working it’s anti-inflammatory magic.

Overall, this is a great product from Drink Me Chai and I am pleased to see a company promoting the health benefits of turmeric. I take the capsule form of Curcumin myself and find it very helpful.

If you’ve tried making this using other types of milk please do let me know in the comments!

8 out of 10.
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