Nestle Kitkat Chunky New York Cheesecake Review

Nestle Kitkat Chunky New York Cheesecake

Today's review isn't something I would usually feature, since it contains gluten. However on this occasion I decided to test this new Kitkat Chunky variety on friends and see what they thought of it. I was offered some of these to review and I can't turn down free samples!

New York Cheesecake is an unusual flavour indeed for Kitkat, so how have they recreated the classic biscuit and cream cheese dessert? By putting the cream cheese as a layer over the wafer of course! Described as a "crispy wafer finger with a New York cheesecake flavour topping covered with milk chocolate", these are available in all supermarkets now in 42g bars for 60p or so.

Nestle Kitkat Chunky New York Cheesecake

The bar is the classic Chunky design split into three sections.

Nestle Kitkat Chunky New York Cheesecake

The cream sits nicely above the wafer, and breaking the bar apart it certainly has that familiar malty Kitkat chocolate aroma, with a faint smell of cream cheese.

Nestle Kitkat Chunky New York Cheesecake

My friends commented that this tastes like the classic Kitkat Chunky with a creamy sweet edge that could get sickly if you eat too much. It doesn't taste strongly like cheesecake but it does have a slight tang to it. It's very rich and indulgent and tastes like a real treat.

Well - there you have it! There's not much I can personally say about this bar without risking death so I'll trust my friends opinions on this. Everyone enjoyed it and felt it was worth a try.

Now, while I'm at it does anyone remember the epic Tiramisu Kitkat Editions from years back? They were seriously, seriously good!

Nutrition Information (per bar): 224 Calories, 12.6g Fat, 23.4g carbohydrates, 20.5g sugars, 4.1g protein.

8 out of 10
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